Ragi Marmar, 4th Dan

Ragi began studying Goju Ryu in 2001 under Sensei Gavin Mulholland at Daigaku's Westminster Dojo in Central London.

“Karate is a major part of my life and has had a positive impact on the way it is shaped. The reasons why I do karate have changed over the years. I have become 'softer' (Ju) and more technical, but I can still access the harder side (Go) when necessary. Through karate I have learnt that nothing is too difficult or distant for the mind that dares to believe and especially so for a woman."

Ragi achieved the rank of Shodan-Ho at Summer Camp 2009 and full Shodan a year later in 2010. In 2013, she successfully completed the 30 Man Kumite and achieved the rank of Nidan at the annual DKK sumer camp. In 2016, she achieved the grade of Sandan and progressed to the weapons test grade of Yondan in 2021.

Yondan 4th Dan

Sandan 3rd Dan

Nidan 2nd Dan

Shodan 1st Dan