Mizuki Murai, 2nd Dan

Mizuki began training in 2006 under Sensei Lewis at DKK Bristol when she started her studies at the University of Bristol. She moved to London a few years later where she has since been training with DKK London.

“Having come from a background in ballet, I wanted to try something completely different when I moved to Bristol, and DKK has been a fundamental part of my life ever since. The breadth of the Goju Ryu system is captivating, and the depth to which we study the art in this club fascinates me. I am constantly inspired by the level of knowledge, dedication and self-disciple demonstrated by sensei and the spirit shown by every single member of the club.” 

Mizuki graded to Shodan Ho at Summer Camp 2010. She returned to London after spending a couple of years abroad and graded to full Shodan at Summer Camp 2014 and successfully completed her Nidan (2nd Dan) grading in 2021.



Yondan 4th Dan

Sandan 3rd Dan

Nidan 2nd Dan

Shodan 1st Dan