Clare Brown, 1st Dan

Clare Brown started training with DKK in 2000 and currently supplements her martial arts training by boxing and training with Hanwell ABC Amateur Boxing Association.

"I had tried several clubs before arriving at Daiguku in London. The first day there I knew that this was it, the club I'd been searching for, and I've trained there ever since. Training under Shihan Mulholland is both challenging and rewarding. I absolutely love training, but as with any endeavour that's worth pursuing, there are also tough times. I sometimes question my dedication to martial arts at the exclusion of other social activities. But for me, training in Goju Ryu is more than a fitness class, social gathering or learning of combat skills. Through training I continue to evolve as a person, mentally as well as physically. My will to succeed in training permeates into other areas of my life and in situations where once I might have given up, I now have more internal strength to persist and achieve my goals."

Clare achieved the rank of Shodan-Ho at Summer Camp 2006 and graded to full Shodan in 2007.

Yondan 4th Dan

Sandan 3rd Dan

Nidan 2nd Dan

Shodan 1st Dan